Crowland Productions Filmography:

"Short Film" (2006)

Directed, Written, & Produced by Marc Vibbert
Starring Michael Sawran & Marc Vibbert

Winner of:
Best Comedy TV Production Award
Best Screenplay TV Production Award
at Cayuga Community College

Featured on:
For the Featured Director of the week

"I Want to be a Superhero" (2007)

Directed By Marc Vibbert & Michael Sawran
Characters & Concept by Marc Vibbert
Screenplay by Michael Sawran
Starring Michael Sawran, Marc Vibbert, and Jonathan Turner

"Devil's Playground" (2007)

Directed & Written by & Starring Marc Vibbert & Michael Sawran

Contestant in the 2007 Apple Insomnia Film Festival
and rated 4 out of 5 Stars

"The Horror Section" (2008)

Directed & Written by  Marc Vibbert
Starring Tom Fredette and Katie Cholette

Capstone Piece for SUNY Oswego

Collaborative Works:

"Death of a Robot" (2005)

Directed & Written by & Starring
Marc Vibbert, Christian Thygesen, & Christopher Peltz

Winner of:
1st  Place Informational Video
at Theodore Case Film Festival

"Artifice" (2008)

Written, Produced, Edited, & Directed by Michael Sawran
Producer & Director of Photography: Marc Vibbert

Starring Mandy Mackin, Jo-Ellen Gilfus,
Eric Emmerson, & Andrew Iannotta

Inspired by the Beatles song "Eleanor Rigby"

"Summer's Adam" (2012)

Directed by Marc Vibbert
Written by Adam Eckleberry
Edited by Justin Vactor

Starring Justin Vactor, Rob Dominguez,
Adam Eckleberry
, & Joseph Villarreal

"You Are My Dog Comedy" Short

"The Hardest Part of Dating" (2012)

Directed & Written by Adam Eckleberry
Edited by Justin Vactor
Director of Photography (Pool Scenes) - Marc Vibbert

Starring Rob Dominguez, Sandra Gomez
Adam Eckleberry
, Ben Songer, & Joseph Villarreal

"You Are My Dog Comedy" Music Video

                  Posters  for "Short Film" & "I Want to be a Superhero" as well as the logos  for Crowland Productions 
                                                                              were created by Matt Quest